
Decision Making / Lending

Do your lenders have barriers to make loans or are they scared off from making loans due to high delinquency? 

Currently, investment yield is declining and we need loan yield to increase earnings.  How can we make this happen? Our consultants will help you look at:

  • How to serve the underserved
  • Understanding the high yield philosophy and HYLS (High Yield Lending Strategy)
  • How to package loans in a manner to encourage successful repayment
  • How to build the application and loan notes to approve a greater number of potential turndowns
  • Your processes and procedures, streamline your lending department
  • Remove any barriers from saying yes (policies)
  • Jumpstart loan growth
  • Work with your loan officers and underwriters in a live environment
  • Lending authority
  • Turndowns worth a second look

Sales Training

Does your staff need motivation to sell and look beyond just “filling the order?”  Our high energy experts will motivate you and your staff to achieve world class results.

  • Implementation of an incentive program that will best fit the credit union’s needs and achieve your goals.
  • How to successfully sell ancillary products (including GAP/credit life and disability)
  • How to avoid the one and done scenario
  • How to compute interest rates of the competition and illustrate the savings to your member

New Members

  • How to review the credit report/credit score on how to identify potential sales
  • Building the referral opportunities for loans – looking at the internal process
  • Teller training – how to review the profile screen for sales opportunities
For more information or to discuss your individual credit union needs contact us at